Thank you for choosing Advanced Surgical Associates for your healthcare needs. We welcome the opportunity to serve you and your family and are dedicated to ensuring that your time time with us exceeds your expectations.
The information provided here will help you prepare for your visit. Remember that you have the option to pre-register online before you arrive at the hospital.
Please make sure you have all necessary information available to complete this process. You will need:
- All contact information (patient, responsible party, and emergency contacts)
- All current insurance cards (including Medicare and Medicaid)
- Date of Scheduled Visit or Expected Delivery Date
- Family and Ordering Physician First and Last Names
- Employer Contact Information
Health plans accepted
- Aetna
- Beech Street
- Blue Cross Blue Shield
- Cigna
- Coventry One
- First Health
- Great West Healthcare – One Health Plan
- Humana
- Medicaid
- Medicare
- MultiPlan
- Omni Administrators
- Private Healthcare Systems – PHCS – Multiplan
- Private health Systems – PHCS Multiplan
- Regence Group (Bs-Wa, Bs-Id, Bcbs-Ut, Bcbs-Or)
- Tricare (Humana / Pbga)
- WellCare
- Workers Compensation